Getting Started

"seminar.sty" is a LATEX document style for typesetting slides, and more. You should know how to use LATEX, as described in Leslie Lamport's LATEX: User's Guide and Reference Manual. Let's get started:
  1. If you are installing "seminar.sty", read the the accompanying read-me file, and put the input files where your TEX looks for inputs.
  2. Typeset the sample file, "semsamp1.tex", to see that everything is working. You can use LATEX or AMS-LATEX.
  3. Read Appendix [*], on page [*].
  4. To start making landscape slides, use
    and print out your document in landscape mode.
  5. To start making portrait slides, include the øportrait style option, and use the slide* environment instead of slide:
  6. If you have used , see Section [*].
  7. For A4 paper, use the "a4" style option.
  8. When you are ready to explore "seminar.sty"'s special features, skim the User's Guide, including the appendices.
  9. Play around with the sample file "semsamp2.tex" to try out some of "seminar.sty"'s special features.
  10. When you run into problems, look for help in Part [*].